The Canary Islands, mission productivity

Presentation Ceremony On Friday, June 14, 2024, at 7:30 p.m., the book Canarias, misión productividad was presented at the Real Casino de Tenerife, by its authors, Antonio Olivera and David Padrón.   Interview with the authors video In the 13th minute, talking about productivity indicators focused on business, mentioning the Canary Islands Business Productivity Reports,…

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UK Policing Productivity Review

The UK Home Office commissioned the National Police Chiefs’ Council to: – review police productivity, – provide recommendations to improve efficiency and effectiveness in policing.   The results are contained in this report: – Policing Productivity Review, Nov. 2023

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McKinsey Report on US productivity

Boosting US productivity represents a $10 trillion opportunity in US GDP between now and 2030 Since 2005, US labor productivity has grown at a lackluster 1.4 percent annually. At the same time, real wages have slowed and workforce participation has declined. Regaining the long-term productivity growth rate of 2.2 percent would help the country confront…

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OECD Compendium of Productivity Indicators 2019

This report presents a comprehensive overview of recent and longer-term trends in productivity levels and growth in OECD countries, accession countries, key partners and some G20 countries. An introductory chapter features an analysis of latest developments in productivity, employment and wages. OECD Compendium of Productivity Indicators 2019

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Africa’s overlooked business revolution

Global business leaders who misunderstand Africa run the risk of missing out on one of the 21st century’s great growth opportunities Let’s test your own perceptions: How many companies in Africa earn annual revenues of $1 billion or more? Take a guess. If you guessed fewer than 50 such firms, you’re in good company. We…

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