“The technology giant has been a leader in terms of letting employees work from home, and has bragged about the savings and increased productivity that’s resulted. About 40% of its nearly 400,000 employees worldwide did not have a traditional office, the company said in 2007, which the last time it released such data.”

“Between 1995 and 2008, the company said it reduced its office space by 78 million square feet, and that 58 million square feet of that space was sold for a gain of $1.9 billion”

“But now the company is changing its policy, and many of its employees will have to reacquaint themselves with office life.”

“IBM is not the only tech company to pull some of its employees back. Yahoo (YHOO) CEO Marissa Mayer sparked a controversy there four years ago when she also changed the policy to bring work-at-home employees back to the office.”
