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How Fashion Can Fight Amazon

“Yes, your business succeeds by selling things. But all those things are sold to people and people are, by nature, social animals. Building a tightly connected community of customers who are galvanised by a common passion, place, idea or interest is the surest way to cultivate a sense of community and an atmosphere of fun.…

The Surprising Forces Driving Business Customers

Recently my Bain & Company colleagues Eric Almquist, Jamie Cleghorn and Lori Sherer described this research in Harvard Business Review, presenting a new way of evaluating the dimensions of what a business customer values by organizing those values into a pyramid inspired by psychologist Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Source

How Digital Natives Are Changing B2B Purchasing

Bain & Company’s research on what consumers value shows how people benefit in multiple ways from digital technology. It reduces cost, saves time, integrates sources of information, connects, organizes, informs and provides access to previously hard-to-find data and expertise — all “elements of value” that have direct application to both consumer and B2B purchasing and product…

Are Open Floor Plans Killing Productivity in Your Office?

  “The key here is to make it easier for employees to get things done when and where they need to–whether that’s by making documents accessible via the cloud or investing in an online collaboration tool that allows employees to easily connect regardless of location. This, of course, brings up the debate on working from…

IBM tells employees working at home to get back to the office

“The technology giant has been a leader in terms of letting employees work from home, and has bragged about the savings and increased productivity that’s resulted. About 40% of its nearly 400,000 employees worldwide did not have a traditional office, the company said in 2007, which the last time it released such data.” “Between 1995…

Sitting Near a High-Performer Can Make You Better at Your Job

“Spillover” from certain coworkers can boost our productivity—or jeopardize our employment. What’s more, our work neighbors can actually change how well we do our own jobs. Researchers looked at the 25-foot radius around high-performers at a large technology firm and found that these workers boosted performance in coworkers by 15 percent. That “positive spillover” translated…