
The objective of the Chips & Rods is to exchange opinions, share information, meet new professionals, collaborate on projects, and build relationships for issues that require higher quality.

The Chips&Cañas networkings started in 2009, in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. For a time they were extended to Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Between 2016 and 2018 there was a break as the organizer, Michael Gourion, created the first group in Tenerife (TNF Avanza) of Business Network International (BNI), the largest and most successful networking organization in the world. A Chips&Cañas was made in March 2020, but was paused due to Covid. Following many requests from the Chipsters (the fans), they resumed in September 2023.

In each networking event, profiles are invited around a theme, mixing known/new professionals, ages, and private/public sector.

The Chips&Cañas are informal, with no entrance fee, and last 90 minutes, usually one Thursday a month at 19:00.

Since 2023, the format has been adapted to a small committee of 6 attendees in total, in order to follow the same conversation and generate more synergy.

The work of organization and moderation during the networkings is essential.

Chips & Rods are complementary to other types of networking.


Monthly Chips&Cañas are planned over time and each networking has a theme that can be sectorial, niche or transversal. For example:

  • Construction
  • Sustainability
  • Blockchain
  • Art and Culture
  • Tourism
  • Productivity
  • Cultural change
  • Employment and Unemployment
  • Agrifood
  • etc.

(Nov. 2023)

  • Rule 1: Maximum 6 participants in total per Chips & Rods theme.
  • Rule 2: There is no entrance fee, and everyone pays for their own drinks.
  • Rule 3: Invitations are at the discretion of Chips&Cañas.
  • Rule 4: Upon invitation, attendance must be confirmed within 48hrs. In case of unforeseen circumstances or delay in attending, please notify us as soon as possible.


If you are interested in participating, recommending the invitation of people, proposing themes, or hosting a Chips&Cañas in your establishment, send us your message by WhatsApp.


“First of all, thank you for the invitation and for being able to participate in yesterday’s meeting. It was very interesting and constructive. Very good initiative, congratulations.”

“I wanted to thank you all for allowing me to participate in yesterday’s meeting and talk about my project. The truth is that it was a very enriching experience.”

“Once again, yesterday’s meeting turned out to be most enriching and fun. see you at the next one!!!!”

“On Thursday I had the honor of participating in a new edition of Chips&Cañas. We were able to meet first hand the projects of the finalist entrepreneurs of mentorDay. Thanks Michael for the invitation and to everyone for the good vibes, ideas and complicity.”

“The truth is that the people are quite interesting. I am going to collaborate with ____, with ____ and this other ____ as well. These are the kind of things that add up. Fast format, 1h30, very good, nice, with a beer.”

“Hey Michael! Congratulations and thanks for inviting me. Hey good initiative. Thanks again for inviting me.”

“Very positive, meeting people the truth very interesting, with profiles so diverse, but in general with some great opinions, some specialized in different areas, makes the discussions have enough quality.”

“I am shy of course, but in this case it was not shyness. I think it is more important to listen first to know where to attack. And I think that nowadays people are guilty of talking…”

“As for the possibilities of creating projects and collaborating with the attendees, I find it very interesting. In each meeting I am meeting at least one person with whom I can do a project. In this sense I see it as very productive.”

“I thought it was great. I need to do more active listening too. I’m still training. Petit comité formats always work. It’s very interesting conversation and sharing.”

“Thank you Michael for organizing another inspirational meeting. The truth is that, even though I am aware that 90 minutes seems to me a reasonable length, yesterday’s meeting was quite short. Very interesting people. A hug and thank you.”

“It was interesting. We stayed and debated afterwards.”

“It didn’t go the way I expected, but interesting. Different points of view always enrich. But I liked it. And although I didn’t speak a lot, I hope my mini contributions, added up.”

“____ is an excellent guy, you take people of a very high level, how nice…”

“Just so you know I’m working with ____ on his project… The Chips&Rods works.”