Standard Operation Procedures (SOPs)

Standard Operation Procedures (SOPs): document the steps of key processes to help ensure consistent and quality output. Very useful to train actual and new employees. Each company should have its own SOP, reflecting its specific culture and know-how. And it should be simple and actualized. At REGENERING, usually we include the SOP inside an Operational…

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What are the 21st-century skills every student needs?

“An analysis of 213 studies showed that students who received SEL instruction had achievement scores that averaged 11 percentile points higher than those who did not. And SEL potentially leads to long-term benefits such as higher rates of employment and educational fulfillment. Good leadership skills as well as curiosity are also important for students to…

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“The Gang of Four” (Google, Facebook, Apple, and Amazon)

Video “rompedora de esquemas”. Abrochar cinturones y welcome to the new reality. Ya no veréis a los jovencitos de start-UP de la misma manera…. El increible poder economico al cual llegaron unas empresas de internet, comparado a las grandes multi-nacionales “de toda la vida”. Hasta Amazon se metio en el negocio de los cohetes y…

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Why the knowledge capital of countries is key to economic growth

“Once the knowledge capital of the countries (measured by international test scores) is considered, these regions fit in with growth patterns elsewhere in the world, as seen in Figure 1. This figure plots how long run growth rates in real GDP per capita from 1960-2000 relate to knowledge capital (after allowing for difference in initial…

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